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RU 中國
RU 中國
School structure

The School is a part of a unified complex (association) of Belarusian State University, but is an independent legal entity.

The organizational structure, the teaching staff, the material base of the School allow to fully meet the requirements of state educational standards, as well as international quality standards ISO 9001-2009.


The School structure consists of:

  • management team - director and 4 Deputy Directors for areas of activity (first deputy, deputy for educational work, deputy director for scientific research and international cooperation, deputy director for administrative and economic work);
  • 7 educational chairs (Chair of Business Administration, Chair of Marketing, Chair of Finance and Management, Chair of Innovative Management, Chair of Logistics, Chair of Law and Humanitarian subjects, Chair of Digital Systems and Technologies);
  • 7 departmens, which contribute to the educational process and other important departments.